While most of our day-to-day work with Christian Unions is facilitated by a remarkable supporter base of individuals and churches, grants from charitable trusts play a hugely significant part in funding our larger, strategic projects which are vital in realising our vision of giving every student an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.
These include our Gospel Projects, which have delivered over two million gospels to students since 1994, and our annual CU Leadership Training Conference, Forum, which has equipped around 8,000 students over the last ten years to lead the mission to their universities. Trusts have also helped to fund new Staff Worker posts which have allowed our ministry to expand and develop.
Lives have been changed through these projects as students have encountered Jesus in Scripture, grown in their understanding of the gospel and developed life-long leadership skills. We are very grateful to all the trusts who have partnered with us in this way.
If you have recently received a funding application from UCCF for your charitable trust, and you would like more information about the project, please get in touch.
If you know of a charitable trust that you think might be interested in supporting UCCF’s work, please let us know by getting in touch.