Working with UCCF
Pretty much the main reason anyone works for UCCF is because they love Jesus, and UCCF exists to share Jesus with the student world. The gospel permeates everything we do.
The opportunities that we as a fellowship have for strategic ministry are unprecedented. Over 200 CUs nationwide, 70-80 mission weeks a year, nearly 1000 CU leaders at our Student Conference in September, 72 Relay Workers being discipled, over a hundred students going on Overseas Summer Teams to 10 different countries, city-wide missions, international language students hearing the gospel through 6 international outreaches, students involved in urban missions in 5 cities in the summer, hundreds of lunchbars… God is using students to increase his Kingdom.
The student world is also a key strategic community to be sowing the seed of the gospel. Not only are students more open to exploring Christianity during university than at any other point in their lives, they are also the people who will lead and invest in our nation, work places and families over the next generation. Our staff have the opportunity to invest in these young people, to grow them with a gospel ministry of their own amongst their contemporaries. Whether our staff are based in the ‘field’ or in the office, they are contributing to this great mission.
In terms of the day-to-day working for UCCF, this is a place where people are supported. All staff have a Team Leader who develops their Team by giving pastoral support, training for the work, and modelling good practice. They are also supported practically, with systems set up to prevent over-working, and to help them prioritise and plan well. The Team will also meet regularly for Bible input, fellowship, prayer, training and ministry planning, as well as being a place for encouragement and joyfully standing together. The field staff also work through our Staff Training Curriculum, being trained in Theology, Biblical Studies, Mission, Apologetics, Church History and Ministry Skills. Many staff find UCCF a wonderful place to build foundations for future life: church ministry, overseas mission, workplace, family…
We have a number of field vacancies each year, for which we accept applications in June – October and December – start of February. Office vacancies are added to the website as and when they become open.