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Living and Speaking for Jesus at work: 5 Tips

Like it or not, moving into the world of work is going to present new opportunities and challenges. So it's worth thinking about how you can be an ambassador for Jesus in this new environment.

Whether you’re looking to start a career as an actor or a zoologist here are my suggestions for living and speaking for Jesus in the workplace:

1. A Gospel ‘Work Ethic’

Live out your faith through how you do your work. There will be few things that will underline your trust in Christ to your new fellow employees more than a proactive individual who’s on time, does their work well and is a delight to be around. Daniel is a great example of someone who probably worked hard in his ‘civil-service career’, got noticed, received commendation and ultimately was promoted because of how faithfully he worked and trusted God. But, Daniel didn’t just work hard. He thought! He had a radically different approach to his work. There was loads he was happy to do and to do well. But, there were things he refused to do. Whatever you do end up doing, work at it with all your heart, just as if you’re working for the Lord and not for any other human masters. Remember, it’s Christ you’re serving.

2. A Gospel ‘Ear’

Be an amazing listener. Ask people meaningful questions and then listen to their needs, and then do what you can meet those needs. We have to be generous with our friendship, energy, time and resources. Pray for them, and as you get to know them, for their families. Most importantly, pray that they’d encounter Jesus.

3. Gospel ‘Bravery & Wisdom’

Think about Dan’s polite boldness in Daniel 1 with the chief official or Paul’s daring before the Governor Felix in Acts 24. Just because we’re in the ‘work-place’ we’re never excused from the call on our lives to make much of Christ. But, we’ve got to be wise about it and keep in mind passages like 1 Peter 2:13: 'Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority.' At work, we’re subject to our bosses. So be courageous, but remember where you are. Make moves in your new ‘work-place’ friendships to bring up Jesus. But, don’t just be careless for the sake of it.

4. Gospel Gifts

When we’re out in the workplace we really are called to use the gifts we have. So take some time to think and pray about how to use them effectively. So often in our lives at university, and then subsequently as we pursue careers, our focus can end up being on anything but our God given talent and ability. Wherever we end up we should be aiming to be the very best we can be in the context we find ourselves, fully investing our talents right here right now.

5. Gospel Community

The final suggestion is probably the most important: get yourself quickly and wholeheartedly networked into a local church! If you’re heading to a new town or city then connect somewhere quickly where you’ll be well taught, where you can be encouraged in your work and where you can serve. If you’re staying with your home or university church then increase your involvement! Commit to an area of church life to serve. And if you’re not already committed to supporting your church financially…then start immediately, even if it’s a small amount!

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