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Bethany Prendergast

Bethany Prendergast

Bethany grew up in Colchester, Essex. She moved to Leicester to study English and Drama at De Montfort University where she loved being involved with her CU. After she graduated and spent six months in Colchester during lockdown, Bethany moved back to Leicester to work as a Ministry Trainee for Avenue Community Church.

Bethany had known she would probably be involved with a Christian Union at university, what she didn’t know was how exciting that really was. Not only did this build and strengthen her own faith but, by God’s grace, she was also able to see the lives of others being changed too. She found that there was nothing quite like a friend accepting your invitation to a CU event, or witnessing the growth of a fellow student’s faith as they got stuck into the CU.

Bethany feels blessed to be a part of continuing the work of Christian Unions across the UK by partnering with and supporting the CUs in Birmingham and Worcester as a Staff Worker.

Bethany works with these CUs


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Almost all of our staff are now on furlough leave. They are unable to work for UCCF during this time and will not reply to any work-related matters until June at the earliest. If your message is urgent, you can contact our office, where essential functions continue to operate. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Find out more about UCCF's response to these unprecendented times.

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