Emily Masters
It was at university that I first heard the message of the gospel. I did not grow up in a Christian home and on arriving at university I knew very little about Jesus. It was after meeting some friends in my first year who were Christians that I started attending events run by the CU. As I learnt more about Jesus and saw how loving the CU community was, I began to take Christianity more seriously. At the end of my first year of university, I became a Christian. After this CU became a big part of my life at university. I was able to grow in my faith, I formed long lasting friendships, and I was able to serve God on my university campus.
This August I will begin working for UCCF as a Staff Worker in Nottingham and Derby. In this role I will be encouraging, equipping, and supporting CUs as they speak about Jesus at university. My life was transformed through God’s work in the CU; I am very excited to help support this work and to see more lives changed by the gospel. Please consider whether you are able to help me do this, by praying and giving so that many might trust Jesus for eternal life.