Megan Akrill
University was an important time for me. I learnt how to do life on my own, developed deep friendships, and grew in love for the Lord Jesus. The CU was a key part of this, as I grew in my own faith, and I started to see the importance of sharing the gospel with those around me. The support and training I had over these three years showed me what a unique opportunity university is and equipped me to share the gospel with those around me. It was wonderful to see people engage with the CU, and even come to faith! As a Relay Worker, I have loved supporting and equipping the students in Liverpool and seeing them share Jesus with their friends.
I am excited to continue in this work as I join the UCCF staff team as a CU Staff Worker in Liverpool this August. The universities in Liverpool and Edge Hill are home to many students who have never even heard of Jesus. I will be encouraging, training and equipping the CUs as they seek to live for Christ in their individual contexts and give those on their campus the chance to hear about Jesus and encounter Him for themselves.
I would love you to partner with me in this mission of seeing students equipped to share the gospel in Liverpool. Please consider if you might be able to help me by praying and by giving, so that many would encounter Jesus for themselves and have their lives transformed.