Boaz Rees
Boaz is doing Relay in Plymouth, supporting the Christian Union in Plymouth University.
Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.
Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.
Boaz says...
Hello, I'm Boaz and I am so excited to be doing my Relay in Plymouth.
I was saved in university and have seen first-hand how God uses Christian Unions for His glory and His kingdom. The Gospel must go out to every nation tribe and tongue. University provides an incredible opportunity to reach people with this glorious news, that Christ Jesus died for sinners, and by his blood on the cross people from all across the world may put their faith in Jesus and be reconciled with God. As a sinner saved by the grace of God, I am energised to be on a mission, sharing this gospel. I am also incredibly excited to invest in people; spending time in God’s word together, sharpening and building each other up so that as individuals and as a CU we may live and act more like Christ. In these tumultuous times, the Word of God stands as truth. That is why theology is so important. I hope to build a deeper understanding of scripture and have my theology challenged and broadened as I write an elective and dedicate time to study. With all the incredible excitement ahead, this Relay year will also be a great opportunity to rely on God's provision prayerfully in the challenges I will face and my weaknesses. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity and cannot wait for what God has in store.
As relay is a voluntary role, I will be heavily relying on the generosity of others throughout the year. I would love to invite you to partner with me in prayer and financial support to help with living and ministry costs. If you'd be able to do either of those, then follow the links down below, or even get in touch with me, I'd love to have a chat!
Pray for Boaz
Prayer is a vital part of supporting Boaz’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Boaz:
- That God's will be done in Plymouth and that I would live and act according to his will, not by my own desires.
- Prayer that I would grow in weak areas and invite Christ into all aspects of my life.
- Prayer for financial provision and a readiness to get stuck into the Relay year.