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James Warman

James Warman

Just six months into my time at university, I gave my life to the Lord. Through friendship with faithful and courageous students attending the Christian Union in Leeds, I got to know more of who Christ really is, and just how much I needed Him. My life has never been the same since. And the beauty of it is that my story is just one of many!

University years are the most formative and potentially transformative years of many people’s lives. What better opportunity for them to explore things that are new and different, perhaps even ground-breaking.

It is for that reason that I am immensely grateful for this opportunity to work with the students here in Plymouth as a CU Staff Worker for UCCF. In investing in these CU students here, I hope and pray that I will continue to see or hear of more stories like mine through the grace and will of God. Parts of it are daunting, challenging, and at times even seem downright impossible, but at the same time I have the privilege of trusting in Christ, and believing in what He can do in Plymouth, which is truly exciting!!

James works with these CUs


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