Joshua Soanes
Joshua is doing Relay in Oxford, supporting the Christian Unions in Oxford Brookes University and the University of Oxford.
Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.
Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.
Joshua says...
Hi there, my name is Josh, and I will be doing Relay this year with both Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union and Oxford Brookes CU.
Throughout my time in Oxford, I have been privileged to see God at work in so many ways and so many people’s lives, including mine. This next year of Relay will be a chance to both respond to what God has done and also to point towards an expectancy at what He is going to be doing in Oxford. I will be supporting students pastorally, having the opportunity to teach and helping out at the many great events that both CUs put on. I also will be benefitting from weekly study that will not only equip me for this year but the entirety of the life of ministry God has led me towards.
To be a part of God’s mission and to have the opportunity to sacrifice nearly a year of my life for the kingdom is an incredible honour. I intend not to waste it but lay it down so that it might be not I but the Holy Spirit who is at work. Your prayer and support throughout this year can really help make a difference and I would be so grateful for it. Prayer, in particular is essential, so do be praying not only for me but for the city of Oxford and the two CUs that strive to continue the mission that Jesus has called us all into.
Relay is a volunteering program and so I will need to raise money to cover living costs for the year to enable me to invest wholeheartedly in this mission, which I estimate will be about £8,000.
Would you consider partnering with me this year to see the Gospel reach those in Oxford?
Pray for Joshua
Prayer is a vital part of supporting Joshua’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Joshua:
- The Spirit to be at work in Oxford, melting hearts and turning ears to hear
- That the CU would be united by a hunger and expectancy that God would powerfully move and be bringing many to hear and respond to his gospel
- That the Holy Spirit would be transforming me throughout the year and equipping me for a life of mission with Jesus