Phoebe Sleeman
Since learning that some people have never heard about Jesus, I have wanted to tell them about Him. My seven-year-old self would not have imagined having universities as a mission field, and yet university and Relay have revealed to me the openness of students. As students leave home and seek independence, many are searching for who they are and asking all the big questions in life that only Jesus holds the answers to. University is a time of discovery, and what a difference it will make if these students discover Jesus and go on to live lives of radical service to Him.
Students are best placed to witness to students. I have seen that over the past few years as the gospel begins to make sense to students as they see their peers living with God at the centre. I have seen Kingdom fruit through this strategic ministry as three personal friends from China came to faith and many others through the work of the CU. For this reason, I am so excited to work for UCCF to partner with and encourage students in their evangelism on campus. I will be working with the Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Union, in a city with a deep and rich history and an even deeper and richer need for the gospel.
I have become especially passionate about international student ministry. Students come from all over the world, including places where they will probably never meet a Christian: sharing the gospel with them can have global impact as they return to their home countries. The University of Oxford has a particularly high percentage of international students (46% of the total student body)!
Will you prayerfully consider whether you might be able to partner financially with me in this work to see the gospel reach every student in Oxford?