Kirsty Powell
Kirsty graduated from Leeds with a degree in Biochemistry and a love for all things Yorkshire.
She stayed in the city as a Relay worker, then worked in Higher Education before returning to UCCF as a Staff Worker.
Kirsty's biggest heart is to see students love Jesus more, and to see them share Him with others. She is now a Staff Worker in Leeds and Huddersfield, where she supports the Christian Unions at Leeds Beckett, Leeds Trinity and Huddersfield Universities.
Kirsty loves mountains and the sea, great skies and great cake.
Kirsty says..
University years are hugely formative. As a student you’re challenged, stretched, and shaped as you explore what you value and hold to be true. There’s an openness and a freedom to ask, and to keep asking, big questions. What an opportunity to introduce others to truth and life that is only found in Jesus! Through my time in CU, God showed me time and time again how university is a truly significant mission field, how He is powerfully at work in hearts and lives, and how He invites us to join Him in making His glory known.
I’m so excited to be working with UCCF as a Staff Worker in Leeds and Huddersfield. I’m really passionate about seeing students know and love Jesus deeply for themselves, and for that to be the place from which they reach out to others around them. What a privilege to encourage students as they speak and live for Christ, to explore big questions with them and to get to point them to Jesus.
I would love for you to partner with me in supporting these CUs as they hold out the kingdom to their campuses. If you feel able to support me by praying and/or by giving, I’d love to hear from you!