Erin Hulse
My time at university was extremely formative in my walk with the Lord. Being a member of a Christian Union encouraged me in my faith and challenged me to live a life shaped by the gospel, taking Jesus to those around me. As a Relay Worker, I grew in my passion for student mission – I loved seeing students grow in their understanding of the gospel and love for evangelism, and in turn become more confident in living and speaking for Jesus.
In light of this, I am really excited about working with UCCF as a Staff Worker for Stirling and Heriot Watt CUs in Scotland. These universities are home to thousands of students who have never heard the gospel, and Christian students have a unique opportunity to reach them with it. As a Staff Worker I will be training, encouraging and equipping CU members as they share Jesus with their friends, flat mates, coursemates, and wider campuses – supporting them as they seek to give everyone at their university the chance to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus.
Participating in God’s mission in this way will not be possible on my own. I’ll need His strength and to be supported by those around me. I would love for you to partner with me! I would so appreciate your prayers and financial support as, together, we seek to take the lifesaving good news of Jesus to students in Edinburgh and Stirling.