Sam Moore
I’ll always be thankful for the time I had to grow and mature in faith whilst at university. A big reason for this growth came from my involvement with the university Christian Union which helped give me the opportunity to share the gospel with others to build my confidence in doing so. Before, I would never have considered myself an “evangelist”, but my time with the CU showed me how being a faithful witness to the kingdom is something God has equipped us all to be able to do joyfully. It also opened my eyes to just how formative someone’s time at university is, and how important it is to share the gospel when people are so available and open to it.
That’s why I’m excited to say that I’ll be starting with UCCF as a Staff Worker in Aberdeen this August. I’ll be seeking to equip and encourage students to be confident in sharing the gospel with their friends and course mates. I’m eager to see how God will use them, but am also aware of the fact that it is still a daunting task nonetheless. If you are willing, I would appreciate your prayer and financial support so that God may be glorified through many students coming to know and trust in him.