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Shannon Ludlow

Shannon Ludlow

Shannon is the Music Network Staff Worker for Wales, based in Cardiff.

Shannon’s years at music conservatoire were amongst the most exciting and transforming years of her life. Not only did she love being immersed in the music world but, better still, it was during these university years that she learnt what it truly meant to live for Jesus.

The music world is incredibly beautiful and rewarding, with people striving for excellence in everything they do but it is also an extremely competitive, cut-throat and all-encompassing place to study and live. Shannon loves navigating the highs and the lows of the music world with the students - helping them to see how Jesus and the gospel speaks into every area of their studies and lives. 

Since graduating Shannon has freelanced as a violinist, taught violin and piano and has worked at her church working with students which she has loved.

Shannon’s role is to encourage, envision and equip CU members to reach out to other students with the gospel, as they live and speak for Christ. Lots of music students, both British and international, who have never heard of Jesus come to Wales to study, and nobody is better placed than the CUs to make Him known to them. 

In her spare time Shannon loves to draw, explore new places with her husband and look after her many house plants.     

Shannon says...

In my role I aim to encourage, envision and equip CU members to reach out to other students with the gospel, as they live and speak for Christ. It's a hugely exciting opportunity, and I'd love for your partnership in this work. Please consider whether you'd be able to help me by praying and by giving, so that many might trust Jesus for eternal life, and God might be glorified in Him. 

Shannon works with these CUs


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