Julie Gower
Julie originally hails from the town of Dudley in the West Midlands but after moving away to university in Keele she sadly lost most of the accent. She studied French and Geography at Keele and her year abroad as part of the course was her first real glimpse of God’s heart for the nations. After a couple of years back in Dudley she got itchy feet again and spent 4 years working in admin in Luxembourg, a very beautiful and much underrated country where she again had the privilege of worshipping in church with brothers and sisters from all around the world. From there to Wales for a couple of years she then came to Oxford to work for UCCF in Blue Boar House.
After a few roles and many hats within UCCF Julie now works as Head of Logistics, as part of a team delivering various projects and events across the fellowship. A potentially rare breed Julie genuinely loves all things admin and is always very happy to chat admin/stationery/to-do-lists. She also thinks admin, rather than being something to tolerate, has an important part to play in giving every student in Great Britain a chance to hear and respond to the gospel of Christ.
When not colour coding documents at the office Julie enjoys reading books, borrowing other people’s pets, talking in the third person, catching up with friends and going for walks, preferably somewhere with interesting scenery.