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Leadership Team

Tim Rudge

Tim Rudge

Tim has been the Field Director of UCCF since 2006, overseeing UCCF Team Leaders and CU Staff Workers. He brought five years’ experience, having worked with IFES in Eurasia. He lives in north Birmingham with his wife Lynn and two children. To relax Tim likes to spend time with family and friends, watch a movie, read a good book and play sport

Tim works with these CUs


Send Tim a message

Almost all of our staff are now on furlough leave. They are unable to work for UCCF during this time and will not reply to any work-related matters until June at the earliest. If your message is urgent, you can contact our office, where essential functions continue to operate. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Find out more about UCCF's response to these unprecendented times.

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Use of this form is monitored and logged. Please don't try to use these forms for sending the same message to more than a couple of our staff - you'll be blocked from using them. We'd much rather you got in touch with our office and asked us about the best way to do this.


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