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Leadership Team

Benedict Harding

Benedict Harding

Benedict studied Theology at King's College London. Having spent time working for a local church he joined UCCF as the Staff Worker for Warwick, Coventry and Northampton in 2014. From 2017 until 2021 he has been Head of Relay where he has the enormous pleasure of leading our work alongside recent graduates. He now heads up both the Relay Programme and the Leadership Network team. These two ministries enable students and recent graduates to consider how the Lordship of Christ over all of life equips us to live and speak for Christ with integrity and passion.

Benedict lives in Warwick, where he is an elder at his church, with his wife Ruth and children Emma and Reuben. When not working, he can be found reading, gardening, doing DIY or visiting a National Trust property. He is so grateful for all who support him and the wider ministry of UCCF.


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Almost all of our staff are now on furlough leave. They are unable to work for UCCF during this time and will not reply to any work-related matters until June at the earliest. If your message is urgent, you can contact our office, where essential functions continue to operate. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Find out more about UCCF's response to these unprecendented times.

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