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Ellie Roberts

Ellie Roberts

My time at university was one of the most exciting and formative seasons of my life! It was a time when the Lord rapidly grew my faith, particularly as He ignited my urgency in evangelism and my passion for sharing Jesus with my friends on campus and beyond. The CU was key in encouraging and equipping me in this. Time spent with CU members always felt so precious, in how we got to work together as brothers and sisters in Christ from different churches united around Jesus. Every event, lunch bar and one-to-one that we put on as a CU was so powerful, knowing that the Lord was working through us to give our friends and fellow students the opportunity to hear and respond to the life giving news of Jesus!

This is why I’m so excited to be working with UCCF as a Staff Worker in Central London, starting from August.

London sees tens of thousands of students choose to call the city home, for a number of years, as they study here. This means London CUs are powerfully placed to reach thousands with the gospel! I’m really looking forward to helping encourage, equip and support CU students as they hold out the gospel on campus, and live and speak for Christ in their unique contexts. It’s an exciting and daunting prospect, and so I’d love for your partnership in this work.

Please consider whether you might be able to support me through prayer and giving, that I might better support CU students in Central London.

Ellie works with these CUs


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Almost all of our staff are now on furlough leave. They are unable to work for UCCF during this time and will not reply to any work-related matters until June at the earliest. If your message is urgent, you can contact our office, where essential functions continue to operate. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Find out more about UCCF's response to these unprecendented times.

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