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Lena Sherwood

Lena Sherwood

Lena is doing Relay in Aberystwyth, supporting the Christian Unions in Aberystwyth University and UWTSD Lampeter.

Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.

Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.

Lena says...

Hello! My name is Lena and this coming year I’m excited to be working with Aberystwyth and Lampeter CUs as part of the Relay programme, having just finished my degree in Agriculture with Animal Science.

Moving to uni and getting involved with the CU has had a massive impact on my faith, teaching me the joy but also the challenges that come with living out God’s call in community to build His kingdom and make disciples of all nations.

I’m really looking forward to being able to come alongside students and encourage them to live wholeheartedly for Jesus, to be bold in their faith and expectant in wanting to see God move on their campuses. I’m especially passionate about prayer, believing that behind every revival is a move of persistent prayer. I hope to encourage and challenge the CUs I’ll be working with, to persist in praying for the salvation of their campuses.

What an honour we have to get to actively partner with God as He draws people to Himself and builds His kingdom on earth! I believe we all have a part to play in this, and that as the united body of Christ, we live dependant on each other. As I embark on this year of Relay, I will be living dependant on God’s provision through other people, would you prayerfully consider supporting me financially? And please do sign up to my prayer letter to stay up to date and hear about all God is doing!

Pray for Lena

Prayer is a vital part of supporting Lena’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Lena:

Lena works with these CUs


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