Jonah Knell
Jonah is doing Relay in Loughborough, supporting the Christian Union in Loughborough University.
Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.
Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.
Jonah says...
I have loved being a part of Loughborough CU for the last few years, and I am very excited to continue to be a part of frontline evangelism at university. There is a wonderful opportunity to tell students the good news of Jesus, especially as university is a time where people are often willing to listen and consider who Jesus is. This year I'm looking forward to supporting a brilliant CU as they seek to share the gospel both in evangelistic events and in the personal lives of members. I'm hoping to continue to encourage the CU to be prayerful and servant hearted, and have faith that God can work in big ways to make disciples of many students in Loughborough.
I will be supporting the CU in many ways, such as training Equip group leaders, meeting with CU leadership, discipling CU members, helping plan events, evangelising to non-Christians, and much more. As a Relay Worker I’m responsible for finding a team of supporters who will pray for me and give financially to my year in this ministry. If you would be willing to support me in either of these ways, it would be greatly appreciated. And most importantly, please pray for God to work mightily in the hearts of many students at Loughborough university. Pray for salvation in Jesus’ name to come to many, pray for the CU to be used by the Lord, and that the glory would go to Christ.
Pray for Jonah
Prayer is a vital part of supporting Jonah’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Jonah:
- Praise God for a group of CU members at Loughborough who love the Lord, love the lost, and are keen to serve in the CU to spread the gospel.
- Pray for continued good attendance to prayer meetings, and that the CU would not rely on it's size or abilities, but instead commit all to the Lord in prayer.
- Pray for God to bless the CU here and its members. Pray that He would keep them on fire for the Lord and that His joy would be their strength as they step out boldly with the gospel.