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Kane Blake

Kane Blake

Kane is doing Relay in Nottingham, supporting the Christian Union in Nottingham Trent University - Clifton Campus.

Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.

Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.

Kane says...

Hi, I’m Kane!

Having been involved in the Christian Union for all three years of my university study. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to serve alongside them for another year as a Relay worker with UCCF.

CU’s are communities made up of Christian students with a mission – to give every student on their university campuses the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus. Why? Because we believe that everyone needs Jesus. 1 Peter 2 v 9 says that we have been brought out of darkness into the Kingdom of light, and we have been set apart SO THAT we should declare the praises of the one who saved us. There are so many stories of how the Lord has used CU’s to bring people to Himself, what a joy it is that He invites us to be a part of that work!

As a Relay worker, my role in this ministry will be two-fold; 1) to be discipled through theological study and support by a Staff worker, and 2) to support and encourage students in the CU to reach students on campus with the Gospel.

What could your role in this ministry be?

William Carey, a missionary to India in the late 18th Century, famously said “I’ll go down, but remember you must hold the rope”. Relay is a volunteering program and so I will need to raise money to cover living costs for the year to enable me to invest in this mission, which I estimate will be about £13,000.

Will you consider being a Gospel partner in this mission? Your role in this ministry could consist of 1 or both of the following:

1) Pray (Sign up to my monthly prayer letters and join me in praying for CU mission)

2) Give Financially (Follow the link to give through stewardship)

Thank you for your support!

Pray for Kane

Prayer is a vital part of supporting Kane’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Kane:

Kane works with these CUs


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