Shalini Parmar
Shalini is doing Relay in Birmingham, supporting the Christian Unions in Aston University and the University of Birmingham.
Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.
Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.
Shalini says...
Hi there! I've just finished studying Vocals and Songwriting at BIMM University Birmingham and I'm so excited to be around for another year in Birmingham supporting the Aston & University of Birmingham Christian Unions!
My time at Aston CU has been the most rewarding, fun and important time for me as a Christian at university. It has opened me up to many opportunities to share my faith, where before I felt ill-equipped and less confident to do so. Ultimately, CU has taught me that sharing my faith is such a privilege and a joy!
I'm so excited to still be a part of this on a multicultural and diverse campus like Aston, and witness & help support other students in the coming year to feel more confident to evangelise and to learn from them too! I'm also excited to look to the future and explore the way God uses music and how to navigate being a Christian in the music industry through the electives.
As relay is a voluntary role, I will be heavily relying on the generosity of others throughout the year. I would love to invite you to partner with me in prayer and financial support to help with living and ministry costs. If you'd be able to do either of those, then follow the links down below, or even get in touch with me, I'd love to have a chat!
Pray for Shalini
Prayer is a vital part of supporting Shalini’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Shalini:
- To trust in God fully and to be completely dependent on his provision and strength alone as I go through this year.
- That the students of Aston CU would grow in confidence in evangelism, including myself too and that by the end of the year we'd have some wonderful stories to tell.
- By the end of the year, I would know Jesus even more deeply than I know him right now!