Simeon Colville
Simeon is doing Relay in Chester, supporting the Christian Union in the University of Chester.
Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.
Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.
Simeon says...
Hi, my name is Simeon and I am super excited to be returning to Chester to do Relay.
As a student, I really enjoyed being involved in the CU at Chester. It was so encouraging to be part of a community of Christians and to see God working in the lives of those around me. CU was also a place where I could use my skills to contribute to the work of the gospel on campus, which I definitely appreciated. This encouraged me to continue putting my efforts into working for God’s purpose after university, which I have been doing through my internship at my home church in Coventry, and now want to do so in the university context once again. I am looking forward to working alongside students in their journeys of university and faith and seeing God at work in student’s lives in Chester. My wish is that I would help CU be as much of a blessing to students next year as it was to me.
During this Relay year, I will be depending on the support of God and on people like you reading this page. Firstly, you can support me through prayer. Without God’s help, there is nothing I can do in the coming year that will make any difference. That’s why I would be really grateful if you would join those praying for me and my work throughout the year. I will be sending out regular update letters to help you pray for specific things, you can sign up for these on this page. I also need financial support to complete Relay.
Relay is a voluntary position, so I am relying on financial gifts to fund my living and ministry expenses. If you are able to support me in this way, it would be so greatly appreciated.
Pray for Simeon
Prayer is a vital part of supporting Simeon’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Simeon:
- Pray that students who need to meet God will find the CU.
- Pray for growth in the knowledge of the Lord, both for me personally and for the CU.
- Pray that I will make use of all the opportunities that God gives me during Relay.