Emma Prado Gomez
Emma is doing Relay in Edinburgh, supporting the Christian Union in Napier University.
Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.
Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.
Emma says...
Hello! I’m Emma, and I’ve recently finished studying Graphic Design in Barcelona. I’ve really loved it! And I’m so excited to move to Edinburgh to serve with Napier CU.
During these four years at my CU in Barcelona, being a part of it has been so important in increasing my wonder of how it truly is a privilege to reach my campus and introduce my friends to Jesus.
So, I'm looking forward to spending time loving people, serving Jesus, and deepening my understanding and relationship with Christ. Also, I'm really excited to be part of helping the students in Napier CU grow in their faith and reach their campus with the good news of Jesus.
Relay is a voluntary program, which means that I am relying on a group of supporters for finances and prayer. I would love for you to consider partnering with me in either of these ways or both. Prayer will be a vital part of the year ahead, so it would be great if you would like to partner with me in this way. I will be sending out regular prayer letters throughout the year to keep supporters up to date and so that specific situations can be prayed for.
I’d love to hear from you—please contact me or use the links below if you wish to support me in either way. Thank you!
Si son de Barcelona y les gustaria apoyarme contactadme directamente a mi para mas detalles.
Pray for Emma
Prayer is a vital part of supporting Emma ’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Emma :
- Moving to a new city, a new country can be a bit intimidating, so I would appreciate if you could pray that I will settle quickly and make friends.
- For the students in Napier CU to grow in love for Jesus and for boldness and desire to continue sharing the Gospel around them.
- That I would always be relying on God and seeking His will when supporting the CUs.