Cara Dunlop
Cara is doing Relay in Leeds, supporting the Christian Unions in Leeds Beckett University and the University of Leeds.
Relay is a ten-month discipleship, training and mission programme run by UCCF, a charity which aims to give every student in Great Britain an opportunity to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.
Relay Workers equip, resource and encourage student Christian Unions whilst being discipled and trained by a member of UCCF staff.
Cara says...
Hello - I'm Cara!
From September, I will be serving alongside Leeds Beckett and University of Leeds as their Relay Worker. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to encourage and empower students to share and experience the life-changing love of Jesus! It is only by God's complete faithfulness and grace that I have the opportunity to be in this role. Having experienced university in Leeds, it is an immense privilege to have the freedom and space to encounter and share the Good News of who He is.
I would love to see people's hearts set on fire for the Lord; to experience His presence in complete awe and wonder. Knowing God's faithfulness, I am buzzed for the testimonies and unity that will be created through God's ultimate power and plans for each of the people on our campuses.
I don't know what this year will hold, but for anyone reading this, please pray that I would trust God as He establishes my steps, as I submit to Him and He makes my paths straight. As my role with Relay is voluntary and self-funded, needing to raise money to cover living costs for the year to enable me to invest in this mission which I stimate to be £12000. I will be relying on the generosity of your support so if you feel able to give either finacialy or prayefurl I would be so thankful for your support! Any financial donation would be greatly valued.
I'm thanking the Lord for all He has done, and all He is yet to do!
God bless you,
Pray for Cara
Prayer is a vital part of supporting Cara’s work with Christian Unions. Here are some prayer points from Cara:
- Open hearts and minds of the people of our university campus - that they may taste and see that the Lord is good, and want to know Him more!
- CU team - for a spirit of unity and hope; that they would feel equipped and ready to go out in the armour of God
- Confidence in Him, and the ability He has given me - trusting and having daily heart knowledge that he is the ultimate way, truth and life